Thursday, August 12, 2010

About Temples

A Hindu temple or Mandir, is a place of worship for followers of Hinduism. A picture of most temples is the presence of murtis of the Hindu deity to whom the temple is dedicated. They are usually dedicated to one primary deity, the presiding deity, and other subordinate deities associated with the main deity. However, some temples are dedicated to several deities, and some have symbols instead of a murti. Many temples are located in key geographical points - like hill top, near waterfalls, caves, river origin etc..

Lots of Hindu temples are known by different names in different parts of the world, depending upon the language. The word mandir or mandira is used in many languages, including Hindi, and is derived from a Sanskrit word, mandira, for 'house' (of a deity by implication). Temples are known as Gudi, Devalayam or Kovela in Telugu, as Devasthana or Gudi in Kannada and Mondir in Bengali, as Kshetram or Ambalam in Malayalam. Temples are known as kō-yil (and occasionally, especially in modern formal speech, aalayam) in Tamil.

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